HPSF has Launched! Goals Why now? Organization Members Projects Join HPSF! Return To Top

HPSF has Launched!

High Performance Software Foundation (HPSF) is an open-source, vendor neutral hub for high performance software projects, working groups, events, and training. HPSF aims to build, promote, and advance a portable software stack for high performance computing (HPC) by increasing adoption, lowering barriers to contribution, and supporting development efforts. Our focus is on providing projects with the resources and connections they need to bring their projects to maturity and to increase usage across HPC, AI, scientific software, security, and other communities.

The Linux Foundation announced the intention to form the HPSF on November 13, 2023. From January to May, 2024, HPSF founding members and projects met to establish a founding charter and an initial directed fund. With that work now complete, HPSF launched at ISC-HPC 2024.

The initial HPSF Governing Board (GB) will begin to bootstrap HPSF governance in May, filling elected seats and establishing an initial Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Soon after, HPSF will establish initial technical working groups, activities, and events.


  1. Serve as a neutral home for key projects in the high performance software ecosystem;
  2. Promote use of HPSF projects in many open source communities and organizations;
  3. Provide a transparent governance model that allows stakeholders from government, industry, and academia to steward the ecosystem together;
  4. Provide a clear path to incubate and onboard promising new projects;
  5. Ensure that HPC software is accessible and reliable by providing CI and turn-key builds;
  6. Ensure that HPC software is secure and ready for cloud through collaborations with CNCF and OpenSSF; and
  7. Sponsor events and training to grow a diverse, skilled workforce for software in the HPSF ecosystem.

Why now?

AI and accelerated computing are growing

  • AI has changed the compute landscape by normalizing number crunching and accelerated computing for the masses.

Cloud HPC is growing

  • HPC is a growth area, and cloud users need a portable, production- ready software stack that can be sustained and advanced over time.

Leverage for cloud and secure supply chain

  • A unified foundation for High Performance Software allows us to work closely with other groups like CNCF (cloud) and OpenSSF (security).

The HPC stack is ready to fill the gap

  • Years of investment make the HPC stack fast, portable, and ready for production. To increase its reach, we need to let the world know.


HPSF Governance Structure

HPSF will set up a technical advisory committee (TAC) to manage working groups tackling a variety of HPC topics, and will follow a governance model based on the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Initial working groups include:

  • Continuous Integration resources tailored for HPC projects
  • Continuously built, turnkey software stacks
  • Architecture support
  • Performance regression testing and benchmarking

Working groups are crosscutting activities, bringing projects, members, and other technical contributors together around activities that benefit the ecosystem.

You can find more information on the working groups and collaboration model in our launch deck.

Governance documents are in our governance repo on GitHub, including the HPSF Charter.



AWS HPE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Sandia National Laboratories


AMD Intel NVIDIA Argonne National Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory Kitware CEA


C-DAC University of Oregon University of Maryland


Spack Kokkos Amrex WarpX Viskores HPCToolkit Charliecloud E4S Apptainer Trilinos

Join HPSF!

If you are interested in joining HPSF as a member, you can sign up in LFX, Linux Foundation’s onboarding platform.

Projects will need to be approved by the TAC, which is currently being formed.

We are in the process of setting up mailing lists, but for now, for questions on either membership or project onboarding, contact: